Rizal Renaldi

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Colorsss: Rebuild plan and initial idea


Colorsss.com is my little project to "decypher" colors. I write my thought about color earlier here. But for the past few weeks, I've been thinking about rebuild everything on colorsss.com, back to the drawing board, and starting it from scratch. Oh yes, this thought about rebuild Colorsss is also closely related to my recent learning about Nuxt, so I've planned to rebuild colorsss.com using, obviously, Nuxt. 😎

With so many websites, web apps, and web tools related to color, I've been thinking of creating something a little different from what already existed. Not innovatively different, it's just, I guess, a tool that gives a specific context about color has not yet existed, or I haven't heard and tried before. So I start to sketch my ideas.


Initial Ideas

One of the ideas is that I want to somehow start from words. So instead of showing numbers and buttons or sliders to customize, I'm using a word as input. I'm not going to ditch buttons and sliders completely, and I think I can put them in later optional step. Think it like when you create a design, the first thing you try to figure out is what tonality or mood reflects the concept you want to communicate in your visual and design, and it's most likely to come up in the form of words.

Another key idea that comes up is I want the colors to be contextual. Instead of just showing a bunch of palettes (like what colorsss currently doing), whenever user picked a color, the app "smartly" extend it into an applicable set of color palette, and then shows how it would look like in actual implementation, for example in UI design. I can go wild on thinking how smart it would be — using AI? Supercomputer? Hyper-algorithm to decides the color. Yeah, sure, but I won't be able to build it :shrug:. So I guess a simple If-Else would be okay for this case. I just need to figure out the "formula."


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